17525 56th Ave
Surrey, BC V3S 1C4 

DIY Dental Care for Dogs

DIY Dental Care for Dogs

Oral hygiene is an essential aspect of responsible dog ownership. Neglecting your dog's oral health can lead to bad breath, loose teeth, and painful infections. Fortunately, practicing at-home dental care is simple and effective, and our team at Apollo Animal Hospital is here to guide you through the process. Choose us to be your trusted veterinarian in Surrey and let us help you ensure your furry companion's long-term dental health.

While regular veterinary checkups are crucial, you don't need to rely solely on professional care to maintain your dog's oral hygiene. Implementing the following DIY dental care tips can make a significant difference in keeping your dog's teeth clean and healthy:

Positioning is Key for Brushing

Brushing your dog's teeth is a vital component of their at-home dental care routine. Before you begin, it's important to position yourself correctly to ensure your dog is comfortable and receptive. The optimal position is to kneel or sit on the ground directly in front of your dog, placing yourself at eye level. This allows you to easily access and maneuver around their mouth.

Invest in VOHC-Approved Dental Treats

Dental treats are not just delicious rewards; they can also play a role in keeping your dog's teeth clean. Look for treats that have been approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). These treats are specifically formulated to help reduce plaque and tartar buildup, contributing to your dog's overall dental health.

Choose Safe and Durable Chew Toys

If your dog is overweight, dental treats may not be the best option. Instead, opt for safe and durable chew toys. When selecting chew toys, prioritize safety above all else. Avoid any toys that your dog could easily swallow or chew apart. Additionally, choose chew toys that are machine-washable for easy cleaning and hygiene.

Consider Dental Powder as a Food Additive

Dental powder is a flavored dog food additive containing ingredients that help eliminate harmful oral bacteria. Most dogs readily accept dental powder because it doesn't significantly alter the taste of their food. However, it's always wise to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements or additives to your dog's diet.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Annual dental checkups are essential for maintaining your dog's oral health. These checkups allow your veterinarian to assess your dog's teeth and gums for any signs of disease or problems. Early detection and intervention can help prevent more serious issues down the road.

Find Expert Dental Care at Apollo Animal Hospital

At Apollo Animal Hospital in Surrey, we understand the importance of oral hygiene for dogs. Our team of experienced veterinarians provides comprehensive dental care services, including cleanings, extractions, and other procedures. We also offer guidance and advice on proper at-home dental care routines to ensure your dog maintains a healthy smile throughout their life.

Are you looking for a veterinarian near you? Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your dog's next dental checkup or to discuss your pet's specific oral health needs. We're committed to providing your precious companion with the highest quality dental care and ensuring their overall well-being.

DIY Dental Care for Dogs

Oral hygiene is an essential aspect of responsible dog ownership. Neglecting your dog's oral health can lead to bad breath, loose teeth, and painful infections. Fortunately, practicing at-home dental care is simple and effective, and our team at Apollo Animal Hospital is here to guide you through the process. Choose us to be your trusted veterinarian in Surrey and let us help you ensure your furry companion's long-term dental health.

While regular veterinary checkups are crucial, you don't need to rely solely on professional care to maintain your dog's oral hygiene. Implementing the following DIY dental care tips can make a significant difference in keeping your dog's teeth clean and healthy:

Positioning is Key for Brushing

Brushing your dog's teeth is a vital component of their at-home dental care routine. Before you begin, it's important to position yourself correctly to ensure your dog is comfortable and receptive. The optimal position is to kneel or sit on the ground directly in front of your dog, placing yourself at eye level. This allows you to easily access and maneuver around their mouth.

Invest in VOHC-Approved Dental Treats

Dental treats are not just delicious rewards; they can also play a role in keeping your dog's teeth clean. Look for treats that have been approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). These treats are specifically formulated to help reduce plaque and tartar buildup, contributing to your dog's overall dental health.

Choose Safe and Durable Chew Toys

If your dog is overweight, dental treats may not be the best option. Instead, opt for safe and durable chew toys. When selecting chew toys, prioritize safety above all else. Avoid any toys that your dog could easily swallow or chew apart. Additionally, choose chew toys that are machine-washable for easy cleaning and hygiene.

Consider Dental Powder as a Food Additive

Dental powder is a flavored dog food additive containing ingredients that help eliminate harmful oral bacteria. Most dogs readily accept dental powder because it doesn't significantly alter the taste of their food. However, it's always wise to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements or additives to your dog's diet.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Annual dental checkups are essential for maintaining your dog's oral health. These checkups allow your veterinarian to assess your dog's teeth and gums for any signs of disease or problems. Early detection and intervention can help prevent more serious issues down the road.

Find Expert Dental Care at Apollo Animal Hospital

At Apollo Animal Hospital in Surrey, we understand the importance of oral hygiene for dogs. Our team of experienced veterinarians provides comprehensive dental care services, including cleanings, extractions, and other procedures. We also offer guidance and advice on proper at-home dental care routines to ensure your dog maintains a healthy smile throughout their life.

Are you looking for a veterinarian near you? Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your dog's next dental checkup or to discuss your pet's specific oral health needs. We're committed to providing your precious companion with the highest quality dental care and ensuring their overall well-being.

Apollo Animal Hospital


17525 56 Ave,
Surrey, BC V3S 1C4



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